Search by Tax
Parcel Number
Search by Tax Parcel Number searches for
AULs associated with the tax parcel number.
Follow the steps below to search for AULs associated with the tax parcel number.
Click on Search for Activity and
Use Limitation (AUL) to display menu if necessary.
Click on Search by Tax Parcel
The Tax Parcel Number Dialog box
will be displayed.
5. Select
the county of the tax parcel number from the drop-down box. This list
only contains counties that have AULs. Once the county is selected, the
tax parcel drop-down list will be populated. The list contains only tax parcels
in the selected county that have AULs associated with them. �Select the tax parcel number. If you type the
beginning characters of the tax parcel number, a drop-down list will be
displayed that shows the tax parcel numbers beginning with the entered
characters. You can then select the tax parcel number from the abbreviated
drop-down box.
only one AUL is found for the entered ID, the map will zoom to that AUL. ��The AUL
appears as .
The search result attributes will be displayed in the bottom left corner of the
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Click the �button to display the selected document.