Description: The dataset was created by selecting the appropriate HUC watersheds as compared to several paper and web based maps of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Description: Boundaries of 9,895 watersheds in Pennsylvania indicated in the Pennsylvania gazeteer of streams. These boundaries enclose catchment areas for named streams officially recognized by the Board on Geographic Names and other unofficially named streams that flow through named hollows. ERRI extracted, reprojected and edgematched datasets for major watersheds produced by the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey into this smallsheds coverage of the state of Pennsylvania.
Description: Boundaries of 9,895 watersheds in Pennsylvania indicated in the Pennsylvania gazeteer of streams. These boundaries enclose catchment areas for named streams officially recognized by the Board on Geographic Names and other unofficially named streams that flow through named hollows. ERRI extracted, reprojected and edgematched datasets for major watersheds produced by the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey into this smallsheds coverage of the state of Pennsylvania.
Description: Boundaries of 9,895 watersheds in Pennsylvania indicated in the Pennsylvania gazeteer of streams. These boundaries enclose catchment areas for named streams officially recognized by the Board on Geographic Names and other unofficially named streams that flow through named hollows. ERRI extracted, reprojected and edgematched datasets for major watersheds produced by the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey into this smallsheds coverage of the state of Pennsylvania.
Description: Boundaries of counties from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation's civil divisions data set. This data set is actively updated by DEP, Division of Water Use Planning (717) 772-4048 and was created by the dissolving of the minor civil divisions layer to county borders.